IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatment for Dry Eye
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatment for Dry Eye
Dry eye, commonly referred to as dry eye syndrome, is one of the most frequently encountered eye conditions. It can significantly impact daily life due to the frequent itching and stinging sensations it causes. Dry eye can occur due to the decrease in humidity in enclosed spaces caused by air conditioning systems. However, in recent years, the primary cause of the increasing incidence of dry eye has been prolonged use of digital screens. While there have been long-established treatment methods to address dry eye complaints, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Dry Eye), which provides a faster and more comfortable treatment experience, is breaking new ground in the treatment of dry eye by addressing a significant need.

What is Dry Eye?

Our eyes need to be moisturized by a tear film layer. Tears not only moisturize the eyes but also protect them from dust and microbes. The condition that occurs when the eye's surface cannot be adequately moistened due to any internal or external factor is known as dry eye. In cases of dry eye, symptoms such as burning, stinging, itching, and redness may be accompanied by a decrease in visual quality as the condition progresses. If left untreated, dry eye can lead to corneal damage by causing infections.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Burning and stinging sensations
Sticky discharge inside and around the eye
Excessive tearing
Eye fatigue
Discomfort while wearing contact lenses
Blurred vision

What Causes Dry Eye?

Although dry eye is primarily a condition seen in individuals over the age of 40, it has become increasingly common across all age groups due to prolonged digital screen use. Limiting screen time, or using filtered glasses designed for digital screens, can be beneficial in preventing the condition. It is also important not to forget to blink frequently when intensely focused on a screen. Dry eye can also occur in environments with low humidity.

Prolonged use of air conditioning, heating, or similar climate control systems in enclosed spaces reduces the amount of moisture in the air, leading to dry eye if the environment is not adequately humidified. Additionally, medications prescribed for long-term treatment of certain conditions like depression or hypertension can also cause dry eye. Patients using such medications should consult an eye care professional if they experience dry eye symptoms.

Treatment of Dry Eye

A diagnosis of dry eye should always be made by an eye health and diseases specialist. The specialist can diagnose dry eye by conducting tests that measure tear production and then recommend treatment. Artificial tears may be used to supplement tear production during treatment. Additionally, the ducts through which tears drain into the nose can be temporarily or permanently closed to preserve the patient's existing tears or to extend the retention time of artificial tears in the eye. In recent years, in addition to traditional treatment methods, IPL therapy, which offers a faster and more comfortable recovery, has also been applied.

IPL Treatment for Dry Eye

IPL, a treatment method used by dermatologists for skin conditions, has recently begun to be used for dry eye complaints as well. The treatment protocol, which includes IPL technology and light modulation masks, provides solutions to many complaints related to eyelid margin issues that cause dry eye. For a long time, treatments such as compresses, warm compresses, drops, and eyelid margin hygiene have been recommended to open the meibomian glands. IPL, which provides a faster and more comfortable treatment experience, is breaking new ground in the treatment of dry eye by addressing a significant need. Through IPL treatment, it is possible to eliminate parasites and bacteria on the eyelids, reduce swelling and redness caused by dryness around the eyes, and minimize many problems related to the meibomian glands. The treatment has no known side effects.

How is IPL Treatment Applied?

In IPL applications, there are different treatment protocols designed according to the roadmap outlined by the physician after the examination. The procedure is applied to each eye separately. After the physician's examination, the treatment protocol is decided. During the procedure, there should be no makeup or contact lenses on the eyes. Before the examination, the patient is given protective glasses, and laser shots are applied around the eyes. Subsequently, a light modulation mask is usually placed over the eyes for mask therapy, and the mask is removed after approximately 15 minutes. The patient's vision may be slightly blurred for a few minutes after the procedure. The procedure generally concludes with a massage to the eyes to drain the softened meibomian glands after the patient is taken to the examination room. The method can also address issues such as blepharitis, post-blepharoplasty, chalazion, demodex, stye, and ocular rosacea.

To ensure the long-term effectiveness of dry eye treatments:
Adequate fluid intake should be maintained
Omega-3 intake should be increased
The room should be humidified
Digital screen use should be limited
Routine eye examinations should not be neglected
Oluşturma Tarihi : 19.08.2024
Güncelleme Tarihi : 19.08.2024
Editör : Ecem Tunalı
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