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No Touch Laser
No Touch Laser

One of the most effective ways to get rid of contact lenses and glasses is laser operations. With the laser method called No Touch Laser technique, laser surgery is applied without contact with the eye. No Touch Laser treatment is a treatment method applied by looking at a distant light source for a maximum of 50 seconds. 

Who can No Touch Laser be applied to? 

If the patient's eye structure is suitable for this operation after a detailed physician control; It is a method that can be applied to myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism patients. No Touch Laser treatment can be recommended especially for people with thin cornea or steep cornea level. 

How is No Touch Laser treatment performed? 

The treatment is applied by dropping an anesthetic drop and looking at the rays coming out of the device. There is no contact with the eye during this process. The patient does not feel any pain or ache during this operation. The operation is completed in a very short time and there is no need to close the eyes after the application. 
What is the healing process after No Touch Laser application? 
Stinging, burning, redness and blurring of the eyes may occur after the application. However, the patient can start performing daily activities 5 days after the treatment. It is important to complete the treatment process as recommended by the physician.

What are the advantages of No Touch Laser? 

 Treatment Completed in a Short Time 
 Patient does not feel pain during treatment 
 Both eyes can be treated in one session 
 No Eye Dice Removed or Scratched 
 There is no need to close the eyes after treatment
 Applicable to Patients with Thin Corneas 
 No Risk of Retinal Tear
 There are no problems such as membrane wrinkling or cell accumulation under the membrane.

Created Date : 01.08.2022
Updated Date : 26.04.2023
Editor : Yeliz Yiğit
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