Cataract means that the lens inside our eye, our own lens, loses its transparency and becomes cloudy. This condition may occur with age or may be congenital. It can also be seen in newborns and children.

What are the causes of cataract? 

In this condition, which usually develops with age, traumas in the eye (impact, surgery, long-lasting illnesses) also have an effect. In addition, diabetes and prolonged use of steroid-containing drugs can also cause this condition to occur.

Symptoms of cataract

In this case, conditions such as double vision, blurring, loss of night vision, sensitivity to light, gradual decrease in vision, difficulty in reading, gradual fading of colors and frequent changes in glasses numbers are observed and should be examined by a specialist physician immediately.

How does a cataract develop?

Adult cataracts usually occur at an advanced age. Like every organ of the body, the eye and especially the lens of the eye deteriorate with age. In some patients, these deteriorations can change the water content of the lens and cause the arrangement of the lens fibers to deform. In some patients, it may lead to the accumulation of cellular waste in the anterior and posterior parts of the lens, and in some patients, it may lead to both conditions. Either way, the result is a loss of transparency of the natural intraocular lens.

How many types of cataracts are there?

Age-related cataracts: The most common type of cataract is age-related cataract, which occurs when the lens in the eye ages with the years. The intraocular lens starts to age in the 40s. In addition, diabetes, UV, smoking and malnutrition accelerate this aging process.

Secondary cataracts: In young people, external factors such as radiation therapy or side effects of cortisone used in the treatment of certain diseases or internal factors such as diabetes can cause cataracts to develop. These formations are also classified as secondary cataracts.

Congenital cataracts: This type of cataract can be observed in babies soon after birth. This condition can be hereditary, or exposure to radiation while the baby is still an embryo in the womb, medications used by the mother or smoking during pregnancy can be factors in the formation of congenital cataracts.

Is cataract treatment possible?

A cataract is a clouding of our normal natural lens inside the eye. The only treatment is surgery.

Cataract surgery

In normal cataract surgery, corneal incisions are made with blades that can make micron-level precision incisions. The anterior membrane of our lens, where cataracts develop, is opened in a round shape with thin instruments. The cataract is broken up and absorbed with the phaco method, that is, with high ultrasonic sound waves, and then an intraocular lens is inserted into the capsule cleaned from the cataract.

In femto cataract surgery (LENSX is the name of the femto device produced by ALCON Company), the blades we normally use for corneal incisions are not used, instead corneal incisions are made with a femtosecond laser. The anterior membrane of the cataract is cut and removed in a round shape with the femtosecond laser instead of the instrument. At the same time, the femtosecond laser is used to cut the cataractous lens into pieces and the phaco technique is used to remove the cataract from the eye.

When should cataract surgery be performed?

Our congenital intraocular lens is normally transparent and clear, allowing light to pass into the eye and thus allowing us to see. The clouding of the normally transparent intraocular lens is called cataract. It becomes difficult for light to fall back through the clouded lens, so vision begins to decrease. The decrease in the patient's vision and quality of life determines the timing of cataract surgery.

Can laser cataract surgery be performed?

In femto cataract surgery (LENSX is the name of the femto device produced by ALCON Company), the blades we normally use for corneal incisions are not used, instead corneal incisions are made with a femtosecond laser. The anterior membrane of the cataract is cut and removed in a round shape with the femtosecond laser instead of the instrument. At the same time, femtosecond laser is used to cut the cataract lens into pieces and phaco technique is used to remove the cataract from the eye.

Femtosecond laser cataract surgery;
 Corneal Incisions
 Cutting the Anterior Capsule in a Round Shape
 Breaking the Cataract into Pieces
 It is used to make corneal incisions for astigmatism.

Which lenses are used in cataract surgery?

In this surgery, our own lens that has lost its transparency is replaced with intraocular lenses that will fulfill the same function. All kinds of lenses suitable for the patient's needs and condition can be used in our centers.
If we count the main preferred ones; Zeiss' bifocal (single focus), multifocal (bifocal), trifocal (trifocal) lenses, Alcon's IQ, IQ toric and Panoptix and Restor - toric lenses are frequently used in our patients.

Before cataract surgery

A detailed eye examination is performed before cataract surgery. The anterior part of the eye and the back of the eye are examined in detail. The number of the lens planned to be placed in the eye is measured with special instruments. On average, these procedures are completed within 1-2 hours.

Vision after cataract surgery

Immediately after cataract surgery, vision gradually returns. However, there is burning, stinging and watering in the first hours. Within 1-2 days, the quality of vision starts to improve. It reaches the desired level of vision within 10-15 days. However, it should not be forgotten that recovery may vary from person to person.

Is there pain after cataract surgery?

There is no pain after cataract surgery, but there is burning, stinging and watering.  If there is severe pain, it means that something is wrong.  In this case, it is useful to contact your doctor immediately.

Does cataract recur?

Cataract does not recur. The tissue that develops cataract, the lens, has been removed and replaced with a new lens. Since cataract will not develop in the new lens, the condition will not recur.

Is cataract genetic?

Cataract is a condition that develops with age. However, cataract development is rapid after trauma to the eye. Cataracts develop at an early age in systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes) or may develop due to systemic medications (such as cortisone).
Cataracts can also be seen in babies at birth. It develops due to diseases that the mother had during pregnancy. It is very important that cataracts in babies are diagnosed and operated early (in the first 12 weeks). Therefore, it is essential that babies have an eye examination as soon as they are born.

Created Date : 07.04.2022
Updated Date : 21.03.2023
Editor : Yeliz Yiğit
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